Allyson has been able to go to the nursery at church for 3 Sundays now. She loves it and almost immediately bonded with 2 of the teachers. In our ward they alternate between 2 women one month, then 2 men the next month. I'm not sure this is really the best thing for all the kids, but the leaders in the ward feel like they want to allow nursery leaders to be able to attend their meetings sometimes. Ally, so far, doesn't seem to mind, she likes being able to play with toys and doesn't really care who is in there. But her first two weeks, Debby and Robin were in there and since then, everytime Ally sees them, she gets very excited. She waves to them during sacrament meeting. One thing that especially made me smile happened after church as we were making our way around the church to get to our car. She was walking along and all of a sudden saw Debby and started "running" while waving to her. She really wanted to say HI. Then a missionary stepped in her way, and she was halted for a minute but found her way around the missionary, who didn't see her and almost stepped on her. She finally got to Debby and waved as big as she could to say hi! It was so cute, I must say. I could also see the almost urgency on her face to get to Debby. :) I'm so glad that she likes her nursery leaders so I don't have to go with her. I had to with the other two girls for quite some time...
Another thing...the weather is FINALLY looking promising. It was a bit on the chilly side yesterday, but it's supposed to be nice Spring temperatures all week. I have to smile when I walk's such a huge difference in everyone's mood when it goes from winter to spring!
Other things that made me smile...
Jessica learning how to dribble a basketball and swing her leg over it.
Courtney sitting down to write her stories and draw pictures...she'll be published someday.
Brian starting his 3 days off.
Getting to take a 2 hour nap on Sunday because Brian was home.
Ally signing "potty" after she wets or messes her diaper. (Okay, that would be a bit embarrassing for her if she knew what I was doing.)
Getting to watch "The Office" for the first time in a VERY long time!
Finding a Smurfs template for my blog! Love the Smurfs!!
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